Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Milton Honel

I spoke with my former grade school principal today. I found his phone number on the internet. I doubt we have spoken since I was ten years old so I was not surprised to learn that he does not remember who I am. However, he was quite eager to offer his support for my effort to establish vegetable gardens throughout District 205.

As he laid forth his plan it became evident that he favored a top-down approach. He reminded me that school board elections were held today. He recommended that I speak with each of them individually if I am able. Then he suggested I speak with the principals of each school. I asked if I should seek support from teachers before hand; he strongly advised against it. He said to do so would almost surely burn my bridge to that school.

Upon visiting the schools initially he advised that I simply observe, ask questions, and take notes; make no mention of a school garden, simply describe myself as an interested citizen. Make friends with the secretaries he urged; they are the gatekeepers. As he laid out a path for me to follow the conversation we shared ebbed and flowed. He told me about his own attachment to gardening. Throughout his childhood he remembers his parents planting a vegetable garden every spring. He never understood why they went through such efforts to grow their own food until he became an adult. Despite all his adolescent opposition, the first amendment he made to his new home was the addition of a vegetable garden.

As it was, my call was apropos, because he was at that moment seeking to hang a poster in his office that lauded good nutrition and exercise. We exchanged contact information so I could keep him abreast of my achievements. I am glad I finally called him. I think he will prove to be a very helpful contact.

Also today

  • Contacted a number of community organizations (churches, schools, etc.)
  • Visited local business to promote my product. Asked Cafe's for coffee grounds.
  • Began building Alex's salad table. Frustration ensued.