Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Beta Release

Spoke with friend Kathy Spiess today. She provided me with a tremendously useful itinerary for creating a digital presence on behalf of my business. The list is as follows:

  • Publish your website! Your logo can be developed later.
    • Will take approx. 3 months for Google Search to find website.
  • Write a mission statement! It will serve as a useful tool for directing your efforts.
  • Print 1000 business cards, distribute them often. Finding new customers is a game of numbers.
  • Webdesign resources: wix.com otherpeoplespixels.com
  • Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) resources: http://www.google.com/sktool/# http://www.google.com/insights/search/#
    • Consider secondary terms as well as locally and regionally relevant terms.
  • (Acronym) elm.com is not an important consideration at this time.
To do list:
  • Chose name for business; buy appropriate URL
  • Write mission statement
  • Write business description using SEO
  • Find or create 3 good images for website
Thanks, Kathy!

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