Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I spoke with my friend Kelli today. She and her boyfriend will move to Idaho in a few month's time to inhabit a homestead they've recently purchased. I get the impression that they intend to create an off-the-grid bed and breakfast where people can escape the modern world to reconnect with a part of themselves that has long been dormant.

Coincidentally, when I asked her if she had recently read any good books she told me that her boyfriend had been engrossed by Michael Pollan's 'The Omnivore's Dilemma' -- a book I gave to her as a gift when we parted ways in Connecticut. I was glad to know it had made an impact.

The conversation drifted to and fro. She is excited for my entrepreneurial adventure, and I am excited for hers. She suggested I distribute weekly recipes to clients as a means of adding value to my service and creating a medium to distribute my brand more widely. I agreed.

Kelli also suggested I investigate Mother Earth News. She has been using their garden planner to design the plot of land the will use to produce food at the homestead. I found this particularly intriguing since I had thought to create such a program as part of my imagined web service. I will need to examine this product in greater detail.

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